The 4th International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics (4 ICTG) is one of the many conferences that was disrupted in 2020 by Covid. The organizers shifted the event to 2021 and to a virtual format. For many in the geotechnical community who took part in the GAP 2019 conference on Geostructural Aspects of Pavements, Railways, and Airfields in 2019, the opportunity to re-convene with the common issues being furthered by 4 ICTG is long overdue.

Geotechnical professionals will get to take up these transportation discussions 24 – 27 May 2021 online. The organizers of 4 ICTG remind all that registrations are due by May 21!



“On behalf of ISSMGE TC202 on Transportation Geotechnics and ASCE Geo-Institute,” writes conference chair Prof. Erol Tutumluer, “I am very excited to announce that this year’s event has tremendous support from AREMA, International Geosynthetics Society (IGS), ASCE T&DI, TRB, US Army ERDC, and US DOT.”

Dr. Tutumluer notes that the current registrations represent participants from 44 countries, which is an amazing achievement for an online conference.

The 4th ICTG virtual event platform will provide access to all the conference sessions, exhibit halls, and more than 230 presentations in live, simu-live, and poster sessions. Preconference specialty workshops will also be included.

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Notable aspects of the event:

  • 3rd Proctor lecture
  • ASCE’s Carl Monismith Lecture
  • Plenary, Keynote and Breakout sessions
  • Technical Exhibitions
  • Meeting of Young Transportation Geotechnics Engineers (YTGE)
  • Short Course on Geosynthetics in Transportation Geotechnics
  • Pre-conference Workshops on Intelligent Compaction technologies in earthworks; sustainability and climatic effects in Mechanistic based designs of highway and airfield pavements; airfield pavement design and rehabilitation; and rail track substructure state of the art challenges
  • Peer-reviewed conference papers will be fully citation-indexed by Scopus and ISI Thomson Reuters and published in a Springer Nature proceedings book

Register for 4 ICTG (virtual) by Friday, May 21.