Electrical leak locations provide invaluable insight into the integrity of a geosynthetic lining system. All geomembrane-lined containment facilities should be tested for leaks before going into service. Early detection of leaks allows for swift and effective repair pre-service, which protects the engineer, contractor, owner and in many cases the environment. Even covered geomembranes can be surveyed, including after a facility is in surface.

A new standard—ASTM D 8265— provides import support for liner surveys on covered geomembranes. The International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) North America Chapter (IGS-NA) has arranged for the standard’s author, Abigail Gilson, P.E., to deliver a free webinar on the topic.

DATE & TIME: May 14, 12:00 – 1:00 pm CDT
COST: Free to students and industry professionals



The new covered geomembranes survey standard is a welcomed step up from D 7007, which while being an effective and important standard had some shortcomings. It had been perceived by many to be an intermediary standard before a more comprehensive one could be developed. Gilson and her colleague Julio Ferreira wrote about D 7007’s advantages and the need to strengthen it in December 2017 on Geosynthetica.

IGS North America ELL Seminar Series Continues with Dipole Webinar
The dipole method can identify liner damage in buried systems, including for in-service facilities–so long as certain boundary conditions are understood.

ASTM D 8265, Standard Practices for Electrical Methods for Mapping Leaks in Installed Geomembranes, delivers on these updates, importantly in how results are reported.

“The new standard not only maximizes the sensitivity of the testing methods, but also forces the practitioner to report results in a way that is completely transparent,” the webinar organizers write. “Mistakes and uncertainty cannot be hidden.”

During the May 14 webinar, one will learn:

  • How to properly prepare a site for a covered geomembrane survey
  • How ASTM D8265 prescribes the documentation of site conditions
  • Site response current and what this measurement means
  • Voltage mapping for the two different types of site conditions
  • Zero leak documentation

Abigail Gilson, M.S., P.E., is a senior engineer with TRI Environmental.  Gilson is one of the most experience liner integrity survey experts in the world, having performed more than 160 million square feet of electrical leak location surveys.

Learn more and register.