The Australasian Chapter of the International Geosynthetics Society (ACIGS) is one of the most active IGS chapters in the world. It has been particularly active in hosting top-tier webinars on important infrastructure, environmental, and geosynthetics issues (such as construction quality assurance [CQA]). The chapter shares those educational opportunities with the global community through live and on-demand streaming of those sessions.

The latest ACIGS video to be posted features an hour-long lecture from field veterans John Cowland and Siamak Paulson, each of whom presents a critical topic. Their topic: Geosynthetics Construction Quality Assurance in Barrier and Floating Cover Applications.

Watch the video in the feature box above.

See more on the ACIGS YouTube Channel


Cowland and Paulson’s presentation is the 20th monthly webinar from ACIGS. At the chapter’s YouTube channel, the webinar organizers write:

Geosynthetics CQA is the process of identifying and deciding on the quality requirements for a project. QA is critical to the overall success of any construction project. In the geosynthetics industry, reputation and trust are the pillars for development. To achieve this, the industry must stand behind the quality of its work. Quality assurance (QA) helps prevent problems through planned and systematic checkpoints.

The presenters divide the time into two presentations:

  • Geosynthetics Construction Quality Assurance in Barrier Applications – Paulson
  • Geosynthetic Reservoirs for Storage of Hazardous Liquids: CQA Case History – Cowland
Still shot of geomembrane handling damage from ACIGS webinar
A slide from Siamak Paulson’s half of the ACIGS webinar on geosynthetics CQA in barrier applications.

Upcoming & Previous ACIGS Presentations

View the full ACIGS Video Library on the chapter’s website.

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