If you missed the virtual 4th International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics (4 ICTG), you can still learn from the events hundreds of contributors! The conference, which was held online in late May 2021, included more than 230 peer-reviewed papers and roughly 400 participants.
Geotechnical professionals who were not able to attend can now access the event’s presentations through 31 August 2021. Cost for online access: USD $200.
The 4th International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics was developed by ISSMGE TC202 on Transportation Geotechnics and the ASCE Geo-Institute. Prof. Erol Tutumluer (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign) chaired the event. Ahead of the conference, Prof. Tutumluer announced significant support had also come from AREMA, the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS), ASCE Transportation and Development Institute, the Transportation Research Board, the US Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC), and the US Department of Transportation.
More than 40 countries were represented in the attendees.
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Notable aspects of the event:
- The 4 ICTG online sessions were a mix of live, partially live, and poster sessions
- 3rd Proctor lecture
- ASCE’s Carl Monismith Lecture
- Peer-reviewed conference papers that will be citation-indexed by Scopus and ISI Thomson Reuters and published in a Springer Nature proceedings book