IGS North America Launches YouTube Channel

The International Geosynthetics Society’s (IGS) US/Canada Chapter (IGS North America) has run a successful series of webinars for the past 5 years. Now, the chapter has launched a YouTube Channel and is gradually adding videos. It’s part of the chapter’s long-term plan to incorporate more media into its educational offerings—including on a soon-to-be redesigned website.

IGS-NA YouTube Channel Videos

The first sessions webinars shared are:

Numerous other videos will be added shortly. Subscribe to the YouTube Channel to be notified about the latest updates.

In addition to IGS North America’s webinars, the organization is organizing and serving as a major partner to numerous engineering conferences, including Geosynthetics Conference 2023, GeoSaskatoon 2023 (website forthcoming), GeoAmericas 2024 (website forthcoming), and the 13th International Conference on Geosynthetics (13 ICG 2026, website forthcoming).

For more information about IGS North America and to support the organization’s engineering education mission, visit www.igs-na.org and join the chapter as an individual member or company benefactor.

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