Old town in Warsaw. Photo by fotorince via Shutterstock.

The Polish Chapter of the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) is ready to host EuroGeo7, the 7th European Regional Conference on Geosynthetics. The quadrennial conference—delayed two years by the global pandemic—takes place 4 – 7 September 2022 in Warsaw.

Full details are available at the conference website

This regional conference from the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) offer an invaluable opportunity to engage leading international practitioners of geosynthetics and regional/local regulators, contractors, engineers, and researchers.

EuroGeo 7 logo


The organizing team has put together a very strong show for the international civil engineering community.

Short Courses

The pre-conference day (September 4) offers numerous, high-level short courses:

  • Geosynthetic-Reinforced Pile-Supported Embankmens – Instructor: Dr. Suzanne van Eekelen
  • Geosynthetic Design for Roadways, Railways, and Airfields – Instructors: Dr. Erol Tutumluer and Dr. Jorge Zornberg

Following the courses, all attendees are invited to the EuroGeo 7 welcome reception.

Invited Lectures

On September 5, the conference officially opens for lectures and the trade show. Luminaries scheduled to speak include Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Ziegler, Prof. Fumio Tatsuoka, Prof. Kerry Rowe, and Prof. Jie Han.

RFP: Geosynthetics & Sustainability Benefit Calculator

Technical Sessions

In addition to broad topic sessions (e.g., case studies, filtration & drainage, pavements), EuroGeo’s main technical program (September 6 & 7) will offer some special sessions of note. These includes:

  • Geosyntetic, Sustainability and Current Industry Challenges
  • Two Young Members sessions
  • Polymeric and Clay Barriers
  • Innovations & New Developments
  • 4 sessions in Polish (targeting local and regional engineers)

The Extraordinary General Assembly

This year was originally going to be the year of 12 ICG, the 12th International Conference on Geosynthetics. Historically, the IGS holds elections every four years and the new Council is initiated at the ICG. Due to covid’s disruption of the calendar, 12 ICG has moved to 2023. The IGS Elections, however, still took place as scheduled. EuroGeo 7 will now host an extraordinary general assembly to support the transition from the current Council to the new Council, including the change of Presidency from Prof. Chungsik Yoo (South Korea) to Sam Allen (USA).

Social Program

As always, EuroGeo provides ample opportunities for relaxing and enjoying the company of your engineering peers. Networking and connection times will be supported by a welcome reception (September 4), cocktails in the exhibit hall (September 5), and a gala dinner (September 6).

Exhibitors & Sponsors

EuroGeo is supported by numerous sponsors and exhibitors. These companies represent some of the most innovative and engaged geosynthetic manufacturers and service providers in the world. The conference and trade show provide an enormous opportunity to develop or strengthen bonds with these firms and their key personnel.

Learn more and register at https://eurogeo7.org.