
Ernie English, GSE Lining Technology Inc. will moderate the meeting.

1. Meeting Called to Order – Ernie English

2. Approval of Sept. 25 Meeting Minutes – Ernie English

3. Legislative Update
a. Follow-up to Mr. J. Charles Fox, EPA’s assistant administrator for water reports regarding the status of EPA Proposal to Target livestock growers – Morris Jett, Danette Fettig
b. Report on the reputation of the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC) – Danette Fettig
c. Status of the Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Standards available for comment – Ernie English
d. Status of the reauthorization of Subtitle D – Danette Fettig

4. Reports on Markets With Growth Potential
a. Aqua Farming – Morris Jett
b. Water Applications – Mark Sieracke

5. Research Topics
a. Bioreactor Industry Trends and its affect on the lining industry – Mark Sieracke
b. Economics of Gas Recovery – Mark Sieracke

6. GMA Geosynthetics Handbook
a. Environmental Section – Morris Jett

7. Manufacturers Market Survey – Morris Jett and Marc Theisen

8. New Business – Ernie English

9. Action Items/Next Steps

10. Next Meeting

11. Meeting Adjourned