Five bulletins on IGS Peru’s activities: 1) On May of the last year, we made 1st Course of Geosynthetic for Professors of Technology of Materials, with the sponsor of Maccaferri of Peru. The objective was to promote the education of geosynthetics at the universities of Peru. For such aim we invited with all the expenses paid to 10 professors of universities of provinces and 5 of Lima, to a course of two days in Miraflores Hotel. Mr. Jaime Durán from Brasil developed an Overview of Geosynthetics. At the end of the course we gave to assistants, a CD with the presentation and we ask them to install it in the machines of the Centers of Students and School of Engineers of each locality. One of the universities of Lima, has incorporated the course of Design with Geosynthetics to currícula of the pre degree studies. 2) In November 2002 we carried out 1st Specialization Course in Geosynthetics: An Overview of Geosynthetics, for that we were sponsored by Maccaferri of Peru, Tecnología de Materiales, Cidelsa, and SL of Chile. Also it was made in two days and we gave to the participants the authorized translation to Spanish of the chapter 1 of Dr. Robert Koerner’s book “Design with Geosynthetics”, as well as a CD with the presentations of Mauricio Ossa (Chile), Néstor Sifuentes (Peru), Augusto Alza (Peru) and Enrique Alvarez (Mexico). 3) Last May we made 2nd Specialization Course in Geosynthetics: Design with Geotextiles, for which we were sponsored by Amanco, Geotecnia & Pavimentos and Tecnología de Materiales. Also it was made in two days and we gave to the participants the authorized translation to the Spanish of chapter 2 of Dr. Robert Koerner’s book, as well as a CD with the presentations of Javier Calderón (Colombia) and Néstor Sifuentes (Peru). 4) Our Geogrids Committee is preparing the 3rd Specialization Course in Geosynthetics: Design with Geogrids, which we are going to carry out in September 5th and 6th. All information about this Course are in our web site: Next year (April) we will carry out the 5th Specialization Course in Geosynthetics: Design with Geo-others, with which we closed this cycle. 5) In August 2004, we are going to carry out our 1st National Conference on Geosynthetics.