GIGSA calls on all students to participate in the IGS Student Awards Program for submitting a paper on geotextiles, geomembranes or any related products. The successful candidate will win US$1000 and attend the Seventh International Conference on Geosynthetics (7ICG) (Nice, France, 22 to 27 September 2002)

All papers must be sent by e-mail to Manie Troskie (email address: before 30 October 2001.
If any clarification is required, please contact Manie on 011 452 5310.

7th International Conference on Geosynthetics Graduate Student Paper
Competition: Rules The IGS Student Awards will continue its successful inauguration with the second Award period of 2001 to 2002. The Awards will be assigned in the year 2002, and all successful candidates will attend the Seventh International Conference on Geosynthetics (7ICG) (Nice, France, 22 to 27 September 2002).

The IGS Student Award was established to disseminate knowledge and to improve communication and understanding of geotextiles, geomembranes, related products, and associated technologies among young geotechnical and geoenvironmental student engineers around the world.

An IGS Student Award will consist of a cheque of US$1,000 for each winner. This award amount must be used to cover conference participation costs (i.e., travel, accommodation, etc..). An IGS Student Award will be assigned to only one student per Chapter; the selected student should be a M.Sc. or Ph.D. student. Students must be no older than 35 in the year the award is granted.

To ensure student representatives from each chapter participate in the
program to the fullest extent possible the chapters must accomplish the

Each Chapter must hold a contest or conduct a nomination process to select the student candidate to represent them.

If a Chapter elects to participate in the student paper competition (see
below) they must notify the IGS of the name of the student selected by 30 November 2001. Otherwise the Chapter must advise the IGS of their student nomination by 31 July 2002. The IGS will transfer funds to the student in advance of the conference.

To insure the maximum benefit to the student, the organisers of the 7IGC conference will:

Provide a copy of the proceedings to the student.
Provide admission to the sessions for the student.
Organise a special student event (see below).

The student selected by the Chapter to receive an IGS Student Award is also invited to submit a one page abstract of a paper for presentation at a special Graduate Student Paper Session organised by the 7ICG. This is not a compulsory requirement for each Chapter student nominee but each chapter is encouraged to select a student who is willing to submit an abstract for the student paper session. The following rules apply:

The student must be the sole author of the proposed paper. The paper must be on geosynthetics in civil, geotechnical or geoenvironmental engineering. Papers may be on theoretical concepts, design, applications, testing or other topics related to Geosynthetics.

The abstract must be submitted in electronic form to the IGS Secretariat ( by 30 November 2001, by the Country Chapter. The six best abstracts will be determined by a committee of the 7ICG chaired by Professor André Rollin. Selected students will be invited to submit a full paper for presentation. Paper format guidelines will accompany notification of accepted papers by 10 January 2002.

Full papers must be received by the conference organisers by 28 February 2002.
The six selected papers will be included in the conference proceedings.

The best paper based on quality of the written paper and presentation at the student session will be decided by a panel of experts. The best paper winner will receive a prize from the 7ICG organising committee.

Good Luck!

Peter Davies,
GIGSA Newsletter Editor