Award of Excellence: Providence Design and Manufacturing in Shreveport, LA. Three uniquely shaped four-celled flexible tube structures were manufactured and installed behind the Sans Souci Condominiums in Pensacola, FL., to protect the beach and buildings from long-term erosion of beach sand. The shape dissipates the energy of incoming ocean waves, preventing movement of the structure in heavy storms. The structure aims to prevent future catastrophic erosion while allowing natural sand to redeposit. The units are 61, 51.8, and 56.4 meters (200, 170, and 185 feet) in length, the average weight of each being 2t (4500 pounds) for a total fabricated weight of The Project Manager and Designer was Jay Sample, Advanced Coastal Technology (ACT), and the fabrics used were PVC-coated polyester by Cooley Group and Protectshield by Twitchell Corp.