I have returned to the US to take over responsibility for The Cooley Group’s International Sales world wide. My time in The Netherlands was a tremendous learning experience and gave me a great appreciation and appetite for international sales and relation building. The opportunity to live and work in another society can be extremely frustrating and difficult but worth the time. Anyone who has the opportunity should take advantage of it.
The Netherlands was an easy place to live as an ex-pat. Everyone speaks English and there is a large ex-pat community so you immediately have a common trait with many people in the area. We made some great life long friends as did our children. They may have benefited the most of all.
In my capacity as Vice President International, I will be representing all of the Cooley business unit. These include specialty products of which geomembranes are a part, building products, sign and digital imaging materials and our Industrial products group with their inflatable materials among other items.
I am looking forward to seeing me friends in the geo community again in some far off location in the very near future.