The session is based on the popular TV quiz show. GeoJeopardy players are given Answers, and have to
formulate the Questions very quickly to win.
Three clever geotechnical engineers will state questions for a given difficult answer in a short
period of time, competing for valuable prizes, money, fame, fortune and possibly ignomy. All done in
front of their peers at GeoFrontiers, in January 2005.
Send us your GeoJeopardy Answers.
Answers should be short, clear, trivial and suitable for family viewing.
Please, no dirty jokes.
SUGGESTED TOPICS: soil mechanics, shear strength, slope stability, dams, walls, famous engineers,
infamous engineers, Great Moments in Civil Engineering, foundations, famous structures, geotechnical
techniques, in situ, geosynthetics. Suggest your own areas and provide Answers.
(example: Topic: Slope Stability. Answer: Divide and Conquer. Winning
question: “What is the method of slices?”)
Please include appropriate, corresponding Questions.
Dr. David J. Elton, P.E.,
Civil Engineering Department,
Auburn University, AL 36849,
Vanna White will be present.
The GeoJeopardy session will be Tuesday night at GeoFrontiers in Austin, TX, January 25, 2005,
regardless of who wins the presidential election.
Make plans to come, laugh and cheer.
A Call for Contestants will be issued soon. So brush up on your geotechnical trivia.