TEA-21 expired in September 2003, and since then the nation’s surface transportation systems have been operating under a series of extensions. This has created tremendous uncertainty and is costing Americans jobs and delaying vital transportation projects. The Senate this week approved a manager’s amendment to transportation reauthorization legislation (H.R. 3) that combined various titles of the bill into one bill for final passage. In a victory for increased highway and transit investment, the manager’s package included the Grassley/Baucus amendment to increase the overall funding level of the bill.
Please contact your Senators and ask them to support the five-year funding level in H.R. 3 by “Voting ‘Yes!’ on H.R. 3, the highway/transit bill, and get the bill done THIS WEEK!” Visit the link below for more information on TEA-21 reauthorization and other priority issues. If you have any questions, contact the government relations department at 202-789-7850 or govwash@asce.org.