CETCO Lining Technologies Group is pleased to announce our new E-Cert GCL MQC/MQA certification system. This new system will allow GCL certification packages to be e-mailed directly by CETCO to anyone responsible for reviewing GCL certification packages on a particular project. The layout of the GCL certification packages will appear different from the packages currently used by CETCO – for an example, please go to the “continued” link below. MQC/MQA test data has been streamlined to report only relevant data. By eliminating irrelevant test data, the certification package will be quicker and easier to review. CETCO manufacturing plants will begin e-mailing this new certification package to each specified project technical contact soon. This direct e-mailing will be performed until such a time as MQC/MQA certification packages are made available on-line via the internet. Customers will then be directed to a CETCO website for retrieval of their certification packages. The website will be secure, where customers through a password/username system will only have access to their specific projects. A set of detailed instructions for the CETCO E-Cert website will be forthcoming. We appreciate your continued interest in CETCO products and look forward to working with you to meet all of your future needs!
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