The topic is as follows: “Combating Terrorism Using Geosynthetics.”
In this regard, we will pursue the following steps.
1. Have a worldwide call-for-titles/abstracts which is the purpose of this announcement.
2. Hold a workshop at GSI in Philadelphia this winter (sometime in February, 2006). The length will depend on the number of topics presented.
3. The workshop will provide input by all in attendance to each of the authors for them to further develop their respective topics.
4. Assemble a program for our subsequent GRI-20 Conference to be held January 16–19, 2007, Washington Hilton and Towers, Washington, D.C.
The call-for-titles/abstracts is open for nonmembers and members of GSI, and indeed for people who have only a casual familiarity of geosynthetics, as well as experts in all areas of geosynthetics. Importantly, the intellectual property rights of all authors will remain with them for their further development beyond the workshop and conference.
Please send your ideas (in no particular format) as soon as possible to us via Marilyn Ashley at the link below and we will keep you informed periodically of our progress in this regard. Thank you in advance. –
Bob Koerner, George Koerner and Grace Hsuan