ASTM is pleased to announce two new tools that are available to assist in administration of work items and standards maintenance.
Both new tools will be located on your MyASTM/MyCommittees page, where you go to access minutes, ballots, schedules etc. Incidentally, you may now directly access the login page for this location by going to the “continued” link below. You may want to add this to your browser favorites list.
In your MyASTM/MyCommittees page, My Work Items is located in the navigation bar on the left side of the page. This is a link to a consolidated list of those work items on which you are a member. For work items where you are the technical contact, the work item number is displayed in red.
Standards Tracking enables an enhanced view of your standards jurisdiction list that includes the status of each standard along with needed action and links to any current work item. The list may be displayed in standards designation order or in order of year date so that you may more easily prioritize needed actions. This list will be especially useful by providing needed information when planning for ballot submittals, upcoming meeting agendas, and for the status of subcommittee standards.
We believe that these new tools will greatly assist you by offering expedient access to your work items and standards maintenance.
We hope that you find these tools to be useful. As always, we welcome your feedback. If you have any difficulties or comments as you access the Standards Tracking and My Work Items tools, please contact your staff manager or Kathie Morgan (610-832-9721 or ). Alternatively, you may call a Technical Support Representative. For technical assistance over the phone, contact 1-800-262-1373 (USA & Canada) or 610-832-9578 (International).
Thank you for your active participation in ASTM.