IAGI (International Association of Geosynthetic Installers) will present during a panel discussion at the Solid Waste/Recycling Conference and Trade Show. This event, organized by the Federation of New York Solid Waste Associations (the Federation), will take place May 7-10 at the Sagamore, Bolton Landing, New York on Lake George. The panel discussion, “Emerging Concepts for Landfill Construction Quality,” will be offered at 10:45 a.m. on Wednesday, May 10, and will include presentations by Robert Phaneuf, PE, NYS DEC, Albany, N.Y.; Robert M. Koerner, Ph.D., PE, Geosynthetic Institute, Folsom, Pa.; and Carl Apicella, IAGI. This discussion will be useful to landfill owners and operators, construction contractors, geosynthetic material installers, design engineers and regulators alike who are interested in learning more about the importance of quality construction practices. Discussion participants will receive 1.5 professional development hours. During this session, IAGI Board Member Carl Apicella, American Environmental Group LTD, Richfield, Ohio, will discuss the details of IAGI’s two programs designed to raise the level of professionalism and improve the quality of geosynthetic installations– the Certified Welding Technician program and the Approved Installation Contractor program. His part of the discussion is titled “IAGI Develops Programs to Assist Engineers and Regulators.” IAGI developed the Certified Welding Technician program to test the skills and knowledge of geomembrane welders who install geomembrane barriers as part of landfill liners and final cover systems and wastewater treatment facilities. The voluntary Approved Installation Contractor program sets a minimum level of standards for installation companies to meet to become an Approved Installer. Apicella will inform engineers and regulators about the advantages of requiring that the contractors who work on the landfill sites employ Certified Welding Technicians and participate in the Approved Installation Contractor program. Phaneuf will present on “The Need for Improved Landfill Construction Quality – a Regulatory Response.” Dr. Koerner’s part of the discussion will focus on the “Geosynthetic Institute’s New Certification Program for Landfill CQA Inspectors.” An annual event for the Federation, the Solid Waste/Recycling Conference and Trade Show attracts the largest gathering of public and private sector recycling and solid waste professionals to its technical programs and the trade show will feature 100 exhibitors. “Our conference strikes a balance,” said Russel Rutkowski, conference chair. “The technical program encompasses all aspects of solid waste, the format is conducive to networking with colleagues, and it’s all held on an island in New York’s beautiful Adirondacks! There’s no better way to sharpen your professional skills.” The Conference and Trade Show will be held at The Sagamore, one of New York’s premier hotels. It’s situated on its own 80-acre island and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. For more information on the Federation’s Solid Waste/Recycling Conference & Trade Show, visit the “continued” link below.