I have often stated that I do not understand why designers and installers continue to use field fabricate pipe boots, with all their awkward seams, when molded boots are available that require only one weld to the geomembrane.

When I restated this to a group of installers recently they all shook their heads and pointed out that slopes were rarely of the gradient designed, they were not flat, and pipes were not installed horizontally. They claimed that field fabrication was better. But is it?

In field fabricated boots it is surely just as difficult to get a snug fit around the pipe that avoids wrinkles under the clamp. And the field fabricated boot will have an extrusion seam under the pipe clamp that will not be present in the molded boot. Then there is the weld underneath the pipe that is the source of many leaks, often pushed into place by hand or tool. Another problem that applies to both boots is to get good subgrade support. While this might be a practical problem with molded boots the resultant stressing of welds in field-welded boots may be more problematic. Perhaps it is six of one or half a dozen of the other.

Our friend Bob Denis of Solmax International is one manufacturer/installer who supports molded boots. Are there any other comments pro or con one or the other?