March 30, 2006

Dear Engineer, Regulator or GSE Customer:

This letter is concerning changes and additions to GSE’s product lines and updates to GSE’s technical literature. Changes within our industry such as the publication of GCL-3 [Standard Specification for Test Methods, Required Properties, and Testing Frequencies of Geosynthetic Clay Liners (GCLs)], and recent updates to GRI GM 13/17 have caused us to make several literature revisions which we would like you to be aware of.

GSE’s most current and correct datasheets and literature can all be found online at our website. We have made several changes to our GCL and geomembrane data sheets to bring them into stricter compliance with the published GRI specifications. These changes to the datasheets have caused additional changes to GSE’s drop-in specifications, along with GSE’s installation and manufacturing quality assurance manuals. We have also added an additional line of products and data sheets to our geonet and geocomposite line: PermaNet, a bi-planer product designed for high load applications.

GSE supports the Geosynthetic Institute’s efforts in the development of standard guides and specifications. The generic specifications, white papers and other publications can be found online, in the public section of the Institute’s webpage.

We ask that you incorporate the new GSE (and GRI) guidelines and specifications into your project requirements and documentation. The use of these documents assures you of using an accepted standard of practice and will help to minimize specification exceptions and other project complications. If you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact your GSE Regional Sales Manager (as found on our website under global locations, sales contacts) or GSE’s Product Managers (listed below).


Boyd J. Ramsey
Vice President Technical Sales

Dr. Dhani Narejo; Drainage Product Manager, 281 230 5855,
Richard Erickson; GCL Product Manager, 281 230 6793,
Jimmy Youngblood; Geomembrane Product Manager, 281 230 6726,