HAZGARD 535 by Layfield is now listed by ULC as a secondary containment liner for fuels in Canada. Manufactured in Layfield’s Vancouver geomembrane plant, this new material meets all of the ULC requirements for above ground secondary containment of flammable and combustible liquids (Class IA). HAZGARD 535 is fire retardant, UV stable, and has a -40 C handling temperature. HAZGARD 535 uses a next-generation non-halogenated fire retardant that is not harmful to the environment. This material can be placed under tanks in all types of facilities including earthen, concrete, and steel secondary containments. Section 4.3.7 of the National Fire Code (and most provincial Fire Codes) requires that secondary containment liners meet specific ULC requirements. The company has tested HAZGARD 535 liner material tested and listed by ULC to fully meet the Fire Code requirements. Suitable for above-ground tank farms containing gasoline, diesel, jet, and other fuels.