ECTC QDOR LogoMedia Contact
Laurie Honnigford
Executive Director, ECTC
+1 651 554 1895

3 June 2009 – The Quality Data Oversight and Review (QDOR™) program is accepting rolled erosion control products for review during the August 2009 meeting of the Erosion Control Technology Council. All products received by 3 July 2009 will be eligible for review. Anything submitted after that would be reviewed during the December 2009 meetings.

QDOR™ has been developed by the Erosion Control Technology Council to assist end users of erosion control products in specifiying and using the proper type of erosion/sediment control product on their jobs.  QDOR™ seal indicates the erosion control product has been manufactuered and tested according to industry standards much like the well-recognized Underwriters Laboratory© (UL) label applied to many electronic appliances.

If you are interested in submitting a product for review, contact Laurie Honnigford, Executive Director, ECTC at +1 651 554 1895 or, or visit the QDOR™ website.