An online Terminology Dictionary is now accessible to all technical committee members free of charge on the ASTM website. While the content mimics the print volume ASTM Dictionary of Engineering Science and Technology, this online dictionary offers the benefits of an electronic format including periodic updates as well as excellent search functionalities that will be a valuable resource in your standards development work. You may search for terms by technical committee or across all ASTM technical committees. Search results are returned quickly and in a sequenced order highlighting first those results that most closely match the searched term. All terms included in the Dictionary at this time are from terminology standards developed by ASTM technical committees. Terms defined in other ASTM standards (i.e. test methods, specifications, practices, guides and classifications) are not included; however, staff is exploring the feasibility of this option as a future enhancement.
To access the Terminology Dictionary, go to and login. Select My Committees. Then, select the last link in the My Tools box titled Terminology Dictionary.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact your staff manager. We are excited about the launch of this new tool and hope that you find the Terminology Dictionary to be helpful. Of course, we welcome your feedback on its utility and function at any time. Thank you for your participation in ASTM International standards development work and best wishes for a very happy, healthy New Year.
– Kathie Morgan,
General Manager, Technical Committee Support,
ASTM International