Storm water management and erosion control conference provides valuable learning opportunities for industry professionals

In addition to taking in new business ideas, current trends and ideal networking opportunities, participants of the Principles of Storm Water Management and Erosion Control conference had access to the expertise of more than a dozen industry experts. This event took place Dec. 13-14, 2006 at the Four Points Sheraton Hotel in Minneapolis, Minn.

"Conference participants were wowed by the speakers and topics," Leo Holm, President of Resource Professionals Alliance said. "In all the years that we have offered conferences, we have never had so many excellent presenters on one agenda."

This conference was tailored to meet the needs of all industry professionals with the first day’s focus being Storm Water Management and the second Erosion Control. Topics presented during the first day included: “Principles of Storm Water Management and Land Use: Building It In” by Roger Bannerman, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources; “The Politics of Storm Water Management: Unique Projects and Unique Approaches for Public Buy In” by Patrick E. Lindemann, City of East Lansing, Mich.; “The Clean Water Legacy Act, Updates and Challenges” by Craig Johnson, League of Minnesota Cities; “Projects for Storm Water Quality: Retrofitting and Natural Designs” by Peter MacDonagh, Kestrel Design Group, Minn.; and “Designing Rain Gardens Using the RECARGA Model and How It Works” by Linda Severson, Montgomery Associates, Wisc.

On the second day, Erosion Control topics included: “Building the North Carolina Road Project, Little River and Crane Creek: Challenges and Best Management Practices” by Ted Sherrod, North Carolina Department of Transportation; “Cost Effective Residential Development In Steep Slopes: Doing It Right” by Terry Herbst, Stone Hill Development, LLC, Wisc.; “Erosion and Sediment Control Dynamics: Shooting at a Moving Target, or Chasing a ‘Pig In the Mud’?” by Dwayne Stenlund, CPESC, CPRM, RPA, Minn.; “Erosion and Sediment Control Updates from Around the State” by Mark Nelson, Minn. Erosion Control Association President; and “Using Flyovers and Aerial Techniques for Environmental Assessment” by Duane Duncanson, Minn Pollution Control Agency. The second day also included a contractor panel discussion entitled “If Contractors Designed the Erosion/Sediment Control Plans, What Would They Include?”.

In addition to these focused learning opportunities, the 205 conference participants had access to 17 exhibitors displaying the latest products and services. Discussions with representatives from multiple companies provided participants the advantage of face-to-face contact with industry professionals, all in one place.

Rocky Waldin of Construction Specialties was pleased with the variety offered at trade show. “The diverse exhibits were another source for erosion and sediment control information,” Waldin commented. “Attendees sought and found information on the options available for controlling erosion.”

Pre-conference on Dec. 12, a Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC) tutorial instruction was offered, and 28 participated. Those in attendance learned more about this certification process from this in depth training session sponsored by CPESC, Inc. Additional information on obtaining your CPESC or CPSWQ certification can be found at

The Minnesota Seeding Contractors Association conducted their Annual Winter Meeting and hosted a dinner also on Dec. 12.

The Principles of Storm Water Management and Erosion Control conference was presented by Resource Professionals Alliance (RPA). RPA has been dedicated to expanding the knowledge and application of environmentally friendly construction techniques and on the application of long-term erosion and sediment control solutions to the ongoing development of our lands through training and implementation strategies to government agencies, businesses, associations and communities in the United States and Canada.

For additional information on upcoming events, contact Laurie Honnigford, RPA, at +1-651-554-1895 or e-mail