The Geosynthetic Accreditation Institute (GAI) notified Propex Inc. that its Nashville, Georgia laboratory has been granted laboratory accreditation for GAI-LAP certification. The accreditation recognizes the Propex testing laboratory as being competent to carry out specific tests which are individually accredited.
The GAI framed the accreditation programs around two international known standards; ISO 9003 and ISO Guide 25. The GAI-LAP was created to have a two fold effect on geosynthetic testing. First, it gives credibility to those laboratories that are properly equipped and prepared to do the respective tests. Second, it eliminates those laboratories that are not equipped to do specific tests.
Propex has always been committed to quality, demonstrated through independent certification, internal testing and environmental excellence. In 1994, Propex was one of a select group of construction material companies to achieve ISO-9002 certification, given by the International Standards Organization. Today, we’re proud to announce our accreditation for GAI-LAP certification.
Strict manufacturing specifications, quality control monitoring and laboratory testing ensure our products consistently meet or exceed the most demanding construction specifications. With this accreditation, our customers are assured Propex products are tested in compliance with current ASTM methodology and that our quality control test equipment is properly calibrated. And, it is yet another way Propex is demonstrating market leadership.