Classroom portion of the Liner Integrity Survey (LIS) certification course

Fifty two attendees from California to Massachusetts attended the 13/14 June T-CLIC (TRI-CORP Liner Integrity Center) geoelectric Liner Integrity Survey (LIS) certification course sponsored by the New York State Association for Solid Waste Management. Bob Phaneuf, Chief of the Division of Solid & Hazardous Materials at NYSDEC, was instrumental in organizing the course at Latham, New York and made a special presentation "Liner Integrity Surveys and NYS’s Solid Waste Management Regulations." New regulations will require the performance of LISs on both primary and secondary liners in NYS.

Matt McGeary, George Koerner and Bob Phaneuf

The session was introduced by David Blackman of NYSAWM and Sam Allen of TRI. Ian D. Peggs of I-CORP INTERNATIONAL presented the course. Three test cells (soil-covered, water-covered, and uncovered with GCL, conductive geomembrane, and conductive geotextiles substrates) were constructed at the Colonie Landfill by Joe Stockbridge and his staff.

Water covered test cell
Soil covered test cell
Exposed test cell

Thirty six people participated in the second day surveying in the three test cells, calibrating the equipment, finding holes, and noting the effects of seams and joints in the various subgrades.

Both Peggs and Allen agreed that this was probably the best of the seven courses held to date with excellent discussion during the classroom session and great enthusiasm and quick learning during the test cell sessions – high fives when holes were located, etc! It is probable that four or five people will continue to the third and final phase of the certification process, an audited production survey.

There was some discussion of the possibility of leaving the test cells in situ as a permanent training/demonstration resource.

In response to the increasing demand for electrical liner integrity surveys as the final stage of CQA in many lining projects, T-CLIC is instituting a service to review liner plans and project specifications for the ability to perform effective surveys on them. Contact Ian D. Peggs at or Sam Allen at