From Phillip Godorov, Director, Interlaboratory Study Program:
ASTM International and Committee D04 on Road and Paving Materials are currently looking for two laboratories to perform ASTM D545, Standard Test Method for Preformed Expansion Joint Fillers for Concrete Construction. We are in the middle of an Interlaboratory study for which we need two more labs to complete the study as planned, allowing us to calculate reproducibility results. We have just enough material for two more labs to join the study. Interested laboratories will participate in the production of data to be used to develop a Precision Statement for inclusion in the standard.
Membership in ASTM International is not a requirement for participation.
Involvement in this study will have a direct impact on the Standard, utilized by laboratories worldwide.
Participating laboratories will be listed in the resulting ASTM Research Report.
Participants will receive a complimentary copy of the finished Research Report, which will include randomly coded data from all reporting labs. Only you will receive your labs id that cannot be identified to specific labs.
Participation in this round robin study may be used to satisfy your accreditation requirements.
The study will involve testing five materials:
Blended Polyolefin Foam;
Wood Based Fiberboard;
Sponge Rubber;
Recycled PVC.
Three replicates of each material will be analyzed as part of the study.
All required test materials will be supplied to the participating laboratories free of charge.
If you would like to recommend a laboratory, or if you would like to volunteer your laboratory for inclusion in this study, please contact ASTM Internationals ILS Manager.
I apologize to those members on the committee for which this e-mail does not apply, but unfortunately, ASTM does not have an easy way to separate those members that have or use laboratories.
Thank you for your assistance with this important project.