In an effort to facilitate the dissemination of erosion control information from around the world, the International Erosion Control Association has selected Rick Morse, CPESC from Picton, New South Wales, Australia to serve as International Associate Editor for the association’s members-only publication, Environmental Connection.
In his new role, Morse is responsible for obtaining manuscripts discussing a topic or application implemented outside North America. Morse will then send the manuscript through the peer-review process and work with the author to make any necessary revisions.
“I see the project as a very important step in broadening IECA’s erosion and sediment control technology base from one that serves North American members very well, to one that helps all our members and, through this, fosters further development of the technologies promoted in North America,” said Morse. “It is a win-win situation—the entire membership will benefit.”
For this section of Environmental Connection Morse is seeking articles that are practical and clearly demonstrate how soil erosion or sediment pollution is controlled. Morse will require that articles be explicit so that others can fully understand the processes used. This is so others, if necessary, can replicate the project under different conditions.
“While many of the basic parameters that underpin our technology are the same, their outworking can be very different, depending on local soils, climate, facilities, services and socioeconomic structures. We can all learn by listening and sharing with each other, providing we can think laterally,” said Morse.
Once reviewed by Morse, the articles will then undergo a double-blind, peer-review process that ensures all technical material printed in Environmental Connection meets IECA’s standards of accuracy, quality and that the article is non-commercial.
“My experience is that practitioners from countries outside North America have so much to contribute to the industry, but they need a forum for sharing their ideas to see these thoughts bud and, eventually bear fruit. Environmental Connection can play a very important role in this,” Morse said.
Anyone interested in submitting an article to Environmental Connection should visit IECA’s Web site at the “continued” link below for information and guidelines.