CETCO Greenroof Ribbon Cutting
From left to right: Mayor Francis Slay; Rob Cisneros, CETCO; Tom Suter, Shield Systems Inc.; and Father Vincent Bommarito.

July 2008 – St. Louis’s Mayor Francis Slay recently presided over the ribbon cutting celebration of the newly installed GreenScapes Greenroof at the historical Marconi Building, a 100-year-old building located at 5205 Bischoff Ave. in St. Louis, Missouri. Mayor Slay spoke about the many benefits of garden roofs including energy savings, stormwater management, and aesthetic benefits for the building occupants.

Mayor Slay has taken several measures to encourage area resident and businesses to go green; these efforts include his strong recycling program.

As urban development continues, the natural landscape within our cities is being replaced with buildings, parking lots and roadways. These rooftops, parking lots and roadways that make up our cityscapes are impervious to water and contribute to the urban heat island effect.

To help counterbalance the effects of urban development, greenroofs have become increasingly popular because of their ability to aid stormwater retention and management, improve air quality, lower the overall temperature of a city and much more.

CETCO’s GreenScapes system combines the performance of CETCO’s proven waterproofing systems with modern greenroof technology and design. Greenroof assemblies can vary from project to project, but at the very least, all GreenScapes include a waterproofing membrane, root barrier, drainage, growing media and plants covering the roof deck. The GreenScapes Greenroof installed at the Marconi Building featured a standard StrataSeal HR (Hot Rubber) waterproofing assembly.

CETCO GreenScapes Greenroof SystemsAdditionally, the GreenScapes assembly consisted of GS-110 Root Barrier, insulation, Aquadrain® GS-310 Stormwater Management Solution, GS-404 Filter Fabric and locally mixed growing media.

Wausau Tile pavers completed the pathway through the rooftop garden.

Urban development can no longer be just about construction and economics. One project at a time, GreenScapes is helping to sustain the environment – The Results Are Natural™.


CETCO is a global supplier of products and technologies for many construction and environmental applications including green roof systems, construction waterproofing, environmental liners, pollution remediation, vapor intrusion systems and water conservation. For more information, please contact CETCO at 1500 West Shure Dr., Arlington Heights, IL 60060; +1 800 527 9948, email bmg.marketing@cetco.com.

CETCO is a wholly owned subsidiary of AMCOL International (NYSE:ACO)

NOTE: See also another article on this project at Greenroofs.com.