On behalf of ASTM Committee D35 on Geosynthetics and the Geosynthetic Institute (GSI), we are pleased to invite you to submit abstracts in support of this important workshop on geosynthetic material durability. The workshop will take place 29 January 2010 in San Antonio, Texas, following the two-day ASTM Committee D35 winter meeting, and will focus on the durability of all types of geosynthetic materials in both covered and exposed applications, and it will be organized in four parts:

  • Long-term field experiences under various environmental conditions; i.e., exposed versus covered, hot versus cold, wet versus dry, stressed versus nonstressed.
  • Accelerated weathering studies. All types of geosynthetics which have been evaluated from the perspective of durability are encouraged, particularly if corroborated with field experiences. Note that the workshop is on polymer durability and not on long-term creep, creep rupture, or installation damage.
  • Polymers and additive packages that constitute the final geosynthetic material’s formulation. This critical aspect of durability is rarely discussed in open forum and the workshop organizers feel that (after 40 years of geosynthetics in use) the time has come. Examples of premier as well as unsuccessful formulations are greatly encouraged.
  • The fourth part of the workshop will consist of a panel of experts who will summarize the workshop and project research durability needs into the future. Discussions on lifetime prediction methods and projected values will also be included.


Titles and abstracts for this ASTM/GRI Workshop are hereby solicited by 30 September 2009. Based upon their appropriateness and acceptance, the formal program will be developed. Titles and extended summaries (2 to 5 pages) will then be required by 30 November 2009. These will form the information booklet which will be distributed to all participants at the workshop. All oral presentations will be on powerpoint with a time allocation of 15 to 25 minutes, depending on the response to this solicitation.


Titles and initial abstracts must be sent to both of the workshop co-chairs: Sam Allen and George Koerner. Our contact information for questiosn and submissions follows.


Registration information including fees will be posted at the ASTM website by September 2009.

If you have questions concerning online registration, please contact Hannah Sparks in Symposia Operations at hsparks@astm.org, Tel: 610-832-9677, or ASTM Technical Support at support@astm.org or 1-800-262-1373 (domestic) or 610-832-9578 (international).

Sam Allen is with TRI/Environmental Inc., Austin, Texas, email sallen@tri-env.com, +1 512 263 2102; and George Koerner is with the Geosynthetic Institute, Folsom, Pennsylvania, email gkoerner@dca.net, +1 610 522 8440.