Terrafix Geosyntheticsterrafix® is hosting a series of informational geosynthetic engineering sessions through Canada from January – March. Topics include subgrade Improvement, stormwater management, pavement solutions, and structural applications of geosynthetics.

Time is reserved for Q&A and lunch at these half-day gatherings.

Date and Locations

  • January 23, Ottawa, ON
  • January 28, Markham, ON
  • February 4, Toronto, ON
  • February 26, Thunder Bay, ON
  • March 19, Edmonton, AB
  • March 20, Saskatoon, SK
  • March 26, Sudbury, ON

For information on attending, please contact Yvette Kohlmann (416) 674-0363 ext. 274 or ykohlmann@terrafixgeo.com.

Learn more at www.terrafixgeo.com/education.