TenCate GeoDetect® geotextiles, which have built-in sensor technology, have been used in numerous experiments at the Ijkdijk facilities in the Netherlands.
Ijkdijk, Tencate GeoDetect

Entirely according to plan, three test dikes collapsed at the IJkdijk test location in Bad Nieuweschans (Groningen) on 26 and 27 August and 8 September. A preliminary analysis of the results has shown that the sensor systems predict the dike breaches well in advance.


The predictive value of the measurement systems was studied over the past three weeks during the All-In-One Sensor Validation Test. Stichting IJkdijk had already carried out various previous experiments in which the dike collapsed as a result of a single, specific failure mechanism. In the All-In-One experiment, various mechanisms occurred simultaneously. It was not known in advance how, when and where a dike would collapse.

Sensors and measurement equipment

The experiments involved the use of highly advanced sensor technology and measurement and analysis systems. Various companies contributed to predicting the dike breach and making this visible in dashboards on screens. A large number of sensors and measurement devices were installed to do this in and around the test dikes.

The breaches of the three test dikes yielded valuable results. During the next few months an independent committee will assess how the measurement systems have performed. Their reliability and value in predicting the strength of the dike under normal and extreme conditions will be examined.


The Ijkdijk program for advanced sensor technology, which has yielded considerable research and insight into failure mechanisms and construction options in dikes and levees, is scheduled to come to a close in 2014.
Ijkdijk, Tencate GeoDetect

The knowledge gained during the experiments at the IJkdijk location is already being applied in ‘real’ dikes. At the end of September measurement systems will be used at dikes of the Noorderzijlvest Water Board: LiveDijk XL. Sensor technology will also be used in two dikes in the province of Utrecht from September onwards.

Better management, lower costs

The monitoring systems not only help us to keep our feet dry, but also yield savings throughout the entire management chain: carry out more measurements in order to increase knowledge could lead to substantial cost savings in the future and provide the Dutch hydraulic engineering sector with an outstanding export product. The systems can be delivered to water barrier managers all over the world.


The IJkdijk development programme is sponsored by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation, STOWA, the Dutch business community, Dutch water boards and Flood Control 2015.


Stichting IJkdijk was founded by Deltares, N.V. NOM, STOWA, Sensor Universe and TNO.

Aerial pictures: Koos Boertjens