The Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI), jointly with the Office of the Textile Commissioner, Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India, organized the conference "Geosynthetics: Opportunities and Challenges” on 16 July 2009 in Mumbai.


Geosynthetics are technical textiles related to soil, rock, earth, etc. Geosynthetic is the term used to describe a range of generally polymeric products used to solve civil engineering problems. The term encompasses six main product categories: geotextiles, geogrids, geonets, geomembranes, geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs), geofoam and geocomposites.

These are available in a wide range of forms and materials, each to suit a slightly different end use. These products have a wide range of applications and are currently used in many civil, geo-technical, transportation, geo-environmental, hydraulic, and private development applications including roads, airfields, railroads, embankments, retaining structures, reservoirs, canals, dams, erosion control, sediment control, landfill covers, mining, aquaculture and agriculture.

Geosynthetics offer great advantages not only in terms of performance to the infrastructure developed but also in terms of cost benefit and low maintenance, when compared to other ground improvement techniques.

Geosynthetics and Geotextiles are driving the infrastructure sector profitably by improving the productivity of the roads and pavements, tunnels, highways, rail-track bed, etc. Here I would like to clarify that mere usage of Geosynthetics will not ensure good performance. Proper selection of Geosynthetics, correct design and quality assurance is essential.

The size, growth and character of demand for Geosynthetic and Geotextile products are governed by various factors. However, the underlying driving force behind the geotextile sector is the need to put in place the best infrastructure in the country.

Global Market Scenario

The world geotextile market has grown from US$500 million to US$3000 million in 2009. 25% of this growth is accounted for by woven geotextiles and 74.5% by non-woven and 0.5% by others. Globally the value of the sector is growing at a rate of around 5% a year and accounts for 0.80% share of the total technical textile segment. This share is expected to go up marginally to 2010.

Current Domestic Market Scenario

The current geotextiles market in India is around Rs.226 crores, comprising imports of an estimated Rs.105 cores and domestic production of around Rs.121 crores. Consumption of geotextile products is expected to grow at 12% to reach Rs.300 crores by 2012-13. The market for geotextiles is expected to grow in excess of 20% annually.

The following findings/recommendations emerged out of the discussions at the Conference:

Quality Control

  • Set up testing facilities for testing geo-textile/geo-synthetic products through out the country
  • Manufacturers must work with laboratories for standardization of technology
  • There must be a clear and complete understanding of the specifications of geosynthetic materials/products or service taking into account quantitative parameters, design characteristics, functional characteristics and qualitative parameters based on the best testing methods employed
  • A system by which the producer of geotextile can get their products certified based on material they consume, machinery they use and the in-house testing facility they possess must be put in place. This could be similar to CE marking which is applied in European countries.
  • An autonomous and competent authority in line with BTTG of U.K. to certify geotextile products for functions they would carry out satisfactorily in Civil Engineering Projects should be set up.
  • Government and Bureau of Indian Standards should set up standards in line with international standards for different items of Geo-textiles to facilitate adherence to functional requirements.
  • A national authority for judging the degree of geotextile/geosynthetic acceptance has to be designated. A plan of action for getting short-term as well as long term results should be worked out.
  • Evolve IS Codes and IRC Guidelines for designing and construction using geo-synthetics.


  • Regulations for promotion of geosynthetics should accord priority to performance of measure and consider long term viability for meeting customer expectations.
  • Ground Rules for evaluation of geosynthetic materials used in constructions must take into account all safety and wholesome requirements as well as those characteristics which the buyers and consumers recognize, which influence the price they are willing to pay.
  • Ground Rules must provide for tolerance and allowances which reflect the actualities of the product as produced, handled and marketed. It should also provide for review of specifications whenever changes occur in consumer requirements, in competitive standing of the product, or in relevant regulations.
  • Government must issue guidelines for geo-textile usage in infrastructure projects like roads, railroads, embankments, dams, landfills etc.
  • SORs and Guidelines must include Unified Code (Specifications) for geosynthetics/geotextiles.


  • Experts in the field of geo-textiles/geo-synthetics must be available at project site to ensure proper usage
  • Public sector projects must maximize the usage of Geo-synthetics and accord preference to local manufacturers for all Indian civil projects
  • Newer models of awarding road projects like DBFO would act as incentive for contractors to use geosynthetic/geotextile products
  • Tender documents should indicate that contractors would have to use Geosynthetic/Geotextile products
  • Provide incentives to indigenous manufacturers of geo-synthetics and geo-textiles
  • A list of standard manufacturers and their authorized dealers must be made available, for the benefit of all the players in the sector
  • Industry must initiate action to build confidence in respect of use of indigenous geo-synthetic material by contractors

Research Development

  • RD efforts in the sector must be stepped up for evolving the existing codes and guidelines for the usage of geo-synthetics in infrastructure projects

Nonwoven Technology

Ensure that Geo-textiles manufactured using Non-woven technology meet following requirements:

  • Non-woven geo-synthetics are advantageous in civil projects involving filtration and drainage, as such textiles offer better filtration and drainage properties
  • Choice of fibre type and tenacity are determining factors for the product tenacity
  • Fibre orientation at the card as the starting point of product property
  • Fleece orientation after the cross-lapper (laying angle with condensed web)
  • Felt stability in needling process
  • Control during heat setting process

Awareness Creation/ Promotion

  • Popularize effective geo-synthetic/geo-textile
    technologies through demonstration projects
  • Industry must initiate action to build confidence in respect of use of indigenous geo-synthetic material by contractors
  • Encourage use of geo-synthetic/geo-textile products amongst state agencies keeping in mind significant state-level spends on infrastructure under Bharat Nirman Prorgamme.

Networking of Industry

  • Industry should adopt an interactive approach between civil engineers and Geo-textile producers so that solutions to challenges faced by civil engineers can be translated into geo-textiles by the producers.
  • Encourage close interaction and participation of users, manufacturers and research and academic institutions in the geo-synthetic development process.


  • Geo-synthetics, as a subject, must be included in the academic programme of both civil engineers and Textile Technology courses.
  • Continuing education programmes should be started for the people already working on Geo-textiles/Geo-synthetic sector.
  • Knowledge and information on Geo-synthetics should be disseminated at all levels.

All the players in the geotech/geosynthetic sector should come together and form focused single association for the sector.

Source: FICCI