Liner Integrity SurveyAs the demand for geoelectric integrity surveys performed as the final stage of liner construction quality assurance (CQA) increases, the number of surveyors certified by the TRI-CORP Liner Integrity Center (T-CLIC) also increases.

To date about 200 people have taken the 1-day classroom and 1-day, hands-on instructional course at the TRI campus or at other locations.

Special sessions have been held by request of government agencies and private companies in Houston, Texas; Albany, New York; Halifax, Nova Scotia; Edmonton, Alberta; and Manila, the Philippines.

At the TRI campus in Austin, hands-on instruction is provided in three test cells simulating three common liner survey conditions: water-covered, soil-covered, and exposed. The exposed liner has three different substrates: conductive geomembrane, conductive geotextile, and geosynthetic clay liner (GCL). We would like acknowledge GSE and Sensor for their generous supply of materials here.



Liner Integrity SurveyCertification from T-CLIC involves more than attendance at the two-days of class and test cell training. T-CLIC performs audits and exams later on to ensure retention of skills. The course presenter and field auditor is Ian D. Peggs, I-CORP International, Ocean Ridge, Florida.

Of those who have taken the liner integrity survey course, 39 have proceeded to a one- or two-day field audit during their first or a subsequent production survey followed by a 90-minute closed book written test of 40 questions based on actual surveys. Questions are both multiple choice (with maybe more than one correct answer) and drawing/essay type. Marks are given for each correct answer and are deducted for each wrong answer.

Of these 39, 24 have achieved T-CLIC certification.

For future course opportunities–courses are usually held once in the spring and once in the fall–contact Sam Allen at

For mobile courses, including training outside the United States, please contact Ian Peggs at



LISA on the Road: Nova Scotia
Performing Geoelectric Integrity Surveys on Double Geomembrane Lining Systems: A Cautionary Note
Liner Integrity Survey Course Review
Stranage Specifications: Errors of Assumption

Ian D. Peggs is president of I-CORP International, Ocean Ridge, Florida. He can be reached at +1 561 369 0795,