GCL - Photo courtesy of NAUEW. CONSHOHOCKEN, Pa. – The Third Symposium on Current and Future Practices for the Testing of Multi-Component Geosynthetic Clay Liners will be held June 27 at the Sheraton San Diego Hotel and Marina in San Diego, Calif. Sponsored by ASTM International Committee D35 on Geosynthetics, the symposium will be held in conjunction with the June standards development meetings of the committees.

A major motivator for this new symposium is the advent of “multi-component GCLs.” These materials can be defined as a “GCL with an attached film, coating, or membrane that decreases the hydraulic conductivity or protects the clay core, or both.” Either a thin plastic barrier is attached to one geotextile component of the GCL or a geotextile component is coated with a polyolefin polymer. In both cases, the added barrier extends the GCL’s range of use to a number of site conditions that were previously considered prohibitive (for example, presence of roots, greater chemical threat, protection against desiccation, etc.).

It is now the task of ASTM Subcommittee D35.04 on Geosynthetic Clay Liners to identify the proper tests for these newer multi-component GCLs, either by adopting/modifying existing test methods or developing new procedures to help designers, owners, operators, regulators, manufacturers and other stakeholders test these materials. Topics of the symposium include:

  • Mechanical testing
  • Peel and shear behavior
  • Hydraulic testing
  • Durability of multi-component
  • Field performance
  • Research studies

Online registration is now open and closes June 20. The fee to attend the workshop for ASTM members, presenters and session chairs is $90 USD for online registration and $115 USD for onsite registration. The fee for non-members is $115 USD for online registration and $140 USD for onsite registration.


Additional technical information is available from symposium chairman Kent P. Von Maubeuge, NAUE GMH & Co. KG, Espelkamp-Fiestel, Germany (phone: 011-574-341-228; kvmaubeuge@naue.com); and co-chairman J.P. Kline, Geotechnics, East Pittsburgh, Pa. (phone: 412-823-7600; jpkline@geotechnics.net).

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Hannah Sparks
+1 610 832 9677