Sibur Holdings25 November 2009 – SIBUR has begun implementation of the SCM – Supply Chain Management project aimed to save logistical costs, optimization of the raw and finished products stock level, and improvement of client service.

The project provides for centralization of management functions of the supply chains starting from purchase of the fresh raw materials and ending with delivery of the finished products to its end users. The whole process is supposed to be entirely automated by integrating of the existing autonomous software products into a uniform SCM IT-system.

SCM implies placing exact responsibility on divisions and employees for each just-in-time supply with minimal expenses. Owing to the appropriate integrated system of KPI, efficiency of the processes as a whole and the contribution of each division will be supervised.

The methodical assistance in execution of the project will be provided by the international company Accenture, the winner of the competitive selection for the role of the adviser that has significant experience in similar projects.

Implementation of the project is planned for the end of 2010. SIBUR is the first Russian company that started the implementation of the international system SCM in the national petrochemical sector. According to the company specialists’ research a possible financial effect from introduction of SCM can make more than 1 billion rubles a year.

For more information, please visit SIBUR online:


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