WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) today announced that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has awarded $3,091,648 in federal grants for Des Moines Water Works and the City of Cedar Rapids. The funding is part of an ongoing effort to help the state rebuild following severe rainfall and flooding during May – August of 2008.

“There is no question that Iowa’s rebuilding process has come a long way, but it has not come full circle. Each installment of funding brings us one step closer, however, and it is because of that fact that we are grateful for every dollar that comes our way in this recovery,” said Harkin.

Details of the projects follow:

  • $1,887,246.65 – Des Moines Water Works – Well No. 5 Raccoon River. The funding will provide reimbursement for the costs to armor and protect the sand and gravel beds surrounding the well caisson following last summer’s severe flooding. This project also includes a hazard mitigation proposal that consists of placing rip rap and Geotextile fabrics as a bank protection method to prevent further erosion at the river bank. All costs have been based on contractor and engineering firm quotes obtained by the Applicant.
  • $1,204,402.50 – City of Cedar Rapids – 1st Street Parkade. The funding will repair the parkade to its condition before it suffered severe damage as a result of last summer’s flooding. A team of FEMA, State and local representatives conducted a joint inspection of the facility to assess damages and concur on a scope of work.

SOURCE: Iowa Politics