Middle East Plastics Industry Strategy SeminarDue to popular demand, and after three sell-out sessions in 2009, Applied Market Information Ltd. (AMI) has added two new European dates in 2010 for the Middle East Plastics Industry Strategy Seminar:

In the current market, 15 million tonnes of additional polymerization capacity comes on line in the Middle East 2009-2011. This will have major ramifications that can be viewed either as threat or opportunity depending on a company’s position. With robustly growing end-use demand and advantaged feedstock, the next natural step could be for the Middle East to become a major centre for plastics processing.

At times of economic slowdown, the position of weaker players tends to erode further while the stronger companies continue to strive to find competitive advantage. The Middle East is about to play a pivotal role in the global plastics industry. Is your company positioned to gain from the prospective changes? Who can you turn to for fair but authoritative views on the direction and strategic options which are opening up at this time?

To assist companies in this area, AMI is organising an industry briefing entitled: the Middle East Plastics Industry Strategy Seminar.

You will find that this one-day event provides attendees with both a detailed statistical review of the Middle East market for plastics set in a global context but also the opportunity to discuss key questions about the development of the processing industry and the prospects for downstream applications.

The day is structured as an intimate meeting where attendees can get the maximum benefit of both the presentations, and also discussions with industry colleagues from a wide variety of backgrounds.

Brochures are available for both sessions.

Brussels, Belgium, 27 January 2010:

Cologne, Germany, 16 March 2010:

Jon Nash is Strategic Research Manager for Applied Market Information Ltd. (AMI Consulting). He can be reached at :+44 (0) 117 924 9442, fax +44 (0) 117 311 1534, www.amiplastics.com.