Venice 20106 February 2010 – Organizers fo Venice 2010, the 3rd International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste, remind interested participants that abstracts will be accepted through 31 March 2010.

Extended abstracts should be at least one but no more than two full pages. An abstract preparation form is available on the conference website.

Key theme incluce anaerobic digestion; renewable fuel (handling and storage); refuse-derived fuel (RDF); experiences and new developments (e.g., case studies); climate change; and much more.

Abstracts should include the full title of the paper, names, affiliations of all authors, e-mail addresses and full mailing addresses of all the authors, the suggested session and the requested destination (oral or poster presentation). The abstract must clearly describe the content of the presentation and its basis (detailed case study, discussion of experience from practice, preliminary research data, completed research not presented previously, review of literature, administrative initiatives and regulations, etc). The lead author should be clearly indicated.

Venice 2010 will take place 8-11 November 2010 in Venice, Italy. It is organized by the International Waste Working Group (IWWG).

For all further information, please visit the Symposium website:


Organising Secretariat
Via Beato Pellegrino 23
35137 Padova
Phone: +39 0498726986
Fax: +39 0498726987