Barry Fagan, P.E./PLS, CPESC, has been named Presenter of the Year by IECA.
Barry Fagan, ALDOT

Denver, Colo. – The International Erosion Control Association (IECA) has announced that Barry Fagan, PE/PLS, CPESC, is being recognized with the 2011 Presenter of the Year Award. This award recognizes an outstanding presenter that demonstrates excellence in presentation skills, educational delivery and content preparation. The winner is determined through the review of presenter evaluations received at IECA’s annual conference and expo.

Barry Fagan, PE/PLS, CPESC, was awarded with the Presenter of the Year Award for his course The Five Pillars of Construction Site Stormwater Management at Environmental Connection 2011 in Orlando, FL. Fagan is the Environmental Compliance Engineer for the Alabama Department of Transportation. He is responsible for creating, coordinating and communicating ALDOT policies and goals to those internal and external to ALDOT.Barry has over 20 years of road and bridge construction experience. He is licensed in Alabamaas a Professional Engineer and Professional Land Surveyor and is a Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control. Fagan is an active member of the Alabama Erosion and Sediment Control Program Steering Committee and the AASHTO Stormwater Community of Practice. Barry also serves as the Alabama Area Representative for CPESC, Inc.

Fagan had this to say of the honor, “Receiving this recognition from such a respected and distinguished group of experts is an honor for me and for ALDOT, and gives me confidence in the principles by which we are growing here in Alabama. The Clean Water Act sets forth areal expectation that stormwater professionals improve every day. The Five Pillars concept reflects an application of this expectation as we attempt to minimize the gap between what we know and what we do.”

IECA will release information on the 2011 Awards of Environmental Excellence, including how to nominate yourself or a colleague, later this summer. For a complete listing of 2010 winners, please visit

About IECA

The International Erosion Control Association (IECA) is the world’s oldest and largest association devoted entirely to helping members solve the problems caused by erosion and its byproduct – sediment. Founded in 1972, IECA is anon-profit organization that serves as the premier global resource for the prevention and control of erosion. For more information about state-of-the-art educational events and materials, please visit our website at


Katie Laurin
+1 303 640 7554