IFAI Expo Asia 2012ROSEVILLE, Minn. – The United States Department of Commerce has granted Trade Fair Certification to IFAI Expo Asia 2012, which will take place 26-28 June 2012 at the Suntec Singapore International Exhibition Centre.

“We are really honored to receive this prestigious Trade Fair Certification,” said Industrial Fabrics Association International President and CEO Stephen Warner. “Asia Pacific is the hottest growth market for technical textiles, and the U.S. Department of Commerce recognizes the importance of IFAI Expo Asia 2012 in creating export opportunities. The Trade Fair Certification, through the efforts of the U.S. Commercial Service offices around the world, helps bring more buyers for the exhibitors.

“The feedback by delegates and exhibitors on the first IFAI Expo Asia held this past March was extremely positive. Suppliers outside of Asia Pacific found not only individual customers, but many came away with new regional distributors for their products. Now IFAI Expo Asia 2012 will continue to provide a gateway for the industry’s suppliers to find business in Asia Pacific,” said Warner.

The economic benefits of exploring exporting are many. According to U.S. Department of Commerce statistics, more than 70 percent of the world’s purchasing power is located outside of the U.S., so it makes sense to look at markets where demand is growing.

Many U.S. industry suppliers are small and medium businesses which can benefit with this partnership between IFAI and the U.S. Commercial Service. The business support provided under the Trade Fair Certification Program creates tremendous advantages for companies interested in exhibiting and exporting. The National Expo Initiative’s export financing program can provide companies with loans to begin exporting; counseling about doing business abroad; and regulatory support in working with foreign governments to tackle trade barriers.

Popular programs such as the Gold Key Service and International Partner Search can provide advance contacts and private appointments for exhibitors before, during and after the trade show. For information on export promotion programs, visit www.export.gov.

IFAI Expo Asia 2012 Technical Symposiums Announced

IFAI has announced the topics for its highly anticipated symposium series in Singapore. Conference delegates will learn about the latest technologies, market trends, engineering trends, geosynthetic uses, product designs and fabrication strategies for improving sales, market share and business profitability.

High-level technical symposiums were planned by a distinguished Technical Advisory Committee which included Prof. Roshan Shishoo, Shishoo Consulting – Committee Chairman; Prof. V.K. Kothari, Indian Institute of Technology; and Prof. Tae Jin Kang, Seoul National University. The Schedule of Events is as follows:

Monday, 25 June 2012

  • Industry Tour: Location is to be determined (limited availability)

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

  • Symposium: Textile Structures
  • Symposium: Protective Textiles
  • Keynote Luncheon
  • Exhibition Open
  • Symposium: Material Developments
  • Welcome Reception

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

  • Demonstrations
  • Symposium: Geosynthetics for Waste and Water Containment
  • Exhibition Open
  • Symposium: R&D in Emerging Technologies
  • Symposium: Geotextile Materials for Roads and Bridges

Thursday, 28 June 2012

  • Demonstrations
  • Symposium: Market Trends Technical Textiles in Asia Pacific
  • Exhibition Open

IFAI Expo Asia 2011 took place this year in March, and attracted more than 1,400 registered participants from 39 countries. Large buyer delegations came from Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, China, Australia and Japan, as well as a large number of visitors from North America, Africa, the Middle East and Europe.

IFAI President and CEO Stephen Warner is looking forward to returning to Singapore next year. “There is a tremendous interest in the region in high-performance fabrics and IFAI intends to lead the way.”