From left: Mr. Ben Leshchinsky, 1st runner-up; Mr. David Suits, Executive Director, NAGS; Ms. Azadeh Hoor, winning author; and (separate) Ms. Carmen Franks, 2nd runner-up.
NAGS Student Competition

At the recent Geo-Frontiers 2011 Conference in Dallas, Texas, the North America Geosynthetics Society (NAGS) sponsored its biennial conference student paper competition. The competiton consisted of two parts. The student authors were judged on their written paper and their oral presentation at the conference. The combined score of the written paper and the oral presentation determined the winning paper and first two runners up.

This year, seven papers in all were presented in the competition. The winning student author was Ms. Azadeh Hoor from Queen’s University for her paper “Application of Thermal Insulation in Landfill Liners.”

The 1st runner up was Mr. Ben Leshchinsky of Columbia University for his paper titled “Enhancing Ballast Performance Using Geocell Confinement.”

The 2nd runner up was Ms. Carmen Franks of University of Maryland for her paper titled “Geosynthetic Filters for Water Quality Improvement.”

Each of the above three students received a cash award for their respective papers and presentations. The North American Geosynthetics Society congratulates Azadeh, Ben and Carmen, as well as all of the students that participated in this year’s student competition. For more information about the North American Geosynthetics Society’s professional and student events, affiliated opportunities and membership, please visit

L. David Suits is the Executive Director of the North American Geosynthetics Society (NAGS), a chaper of the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS).