20 February 2011 – Granite Environmental now houses five more qualified and certified Florida Stormwater Management Inspectors making it a grand total seven certified inspectors! For two days the participants studied and tested to complete the Florida Stormwater Erosion and Sedimentation Control Inspector Program, held in Palm Bay, FL on February 2-3.

Hal Lundsford, of the Department of Environmental Protection, says that the goal of the training is to “better understand Florida’s stormwater problems and the importance of proper design, construction, and maintenance of erosion and sediment controls during construction, in order to assure the proper long-term operation and maintenance of stormwater systems after construction is completed.”

Believe it or not, construction activities can have a significant impact on our water quality. How, you may ask? These activities tend to contribute sediment and other pollutants to our waterbodies. This risk is increased by stormwater runoff. How can we prevent the risk? By using best management practices (BMPs) for erosion and sedimentation, dewatering operations, stormwater management, and vegetation for erosion control and creating a stormwater management plan. This is of utmost importance as sites need to stay in compliance with the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Clean Water Act and the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES).

Granite Environmental, a supplier of such BMPs, has a unique approach in helping their clients. President, Mark Wilkie, who participated in the training with employees states, “Our goal is to provide our clients excellent customer service along with knowledge of the latest technologies and regulations. We believe in keeping our staff well informed and up to date with current regulations so they can provide our clients with well thought out, comprehensive solutions to save our clients time and money, while protecting the environment.”


Granite Environmental
+1 772 646 0597