Geosynthetic InstallationIn May, TRI Geosynthetics Services will offer more Construction Quality Assurance (CQA) Training courses and affiliated certification in Australia. The group last provided these essential professional development and business-improving events in November 2010. The new courses will be delivered on May 9 and 13 in Coffs Harbour, New South Wales to bookend the events of the Waste 2011 Conference (10-12 May 2011, Coffs Harbour).

Each CQA course student on May 9 will be allowed to sit for the Construction Quality Assurance-Inspectors Certification Program (CQA-ICP) exam, which will follow the CQA course. Those interested in also taking the ICP exam must register with the Geosynthetic Institute (GSI). Details on this and about the courses in general follow.

Schedule of events

  • Monday, 9 May 2011 — “Construction QA/QC for Geosynthetic Installations”
  • Monday, 9 May 2011 — “Geosynthetic Institute (GSI) – CQA Inspectors Certification Exam”
  • Friday, 13 May 2011 — “Landfill Slope Stability and Drainage Design and Testing Issues”


“Construction QA/QC for Geosynthetic Installations”

This 1-day course has been specifically designed for those persons who have a need for a detailed understanding of proper CQC and CQA procedures for geosynthetics used in waste containment facilities. This course is ideal preparation for the Geosynthetic Certification Institute’s certification exam and will provide a comprehensive understanding to those professionals who are: preparing CQC/CQA plans, reviewing CQC/CQA plans, performing CQC/CQA observations and tests, and reviewing field CQC/CQA procedures. INSTRUCTORS: Sam Allen and John Allen.

“Geosynthetic Institute (GSI) – CQA Inspectors Certification Exam”

This certification exam is affiliated with the “Construction QA/QC for Geosynthetic Installations” one-day course (9 May 2011). That course takes place during the day, and the certification offering follows. The GCI exam itself is part of the GCI CQA technician certification program. Note that compacted clay liners will NOT be covered as part of the geosynthetics CQA course. Additionally, exam takers MUST REGISTER with the Geosynthetic Institute (GSI) and pay their required certification fee in order to take this exam. TRI does NOT collect this fee as it must be paid directly to GSI (GSI phone: +01 610-522-8440) or

“Landfill Slope Stability and Drainage Design and Testing Issues”

This 1-day course has been specifically designed for those persons who have a need for a detailed understanding of proper containment structure slope stability and drainage design and testing. It is specifically targeted to those persons who have a need to understand and specify interface friction/direct shear tests and hydraulic transmissivity tests, and use generated results in subsequent design. INSTRUCTORS: Sam Allen and John Allen.

Download the course brochure here (PDF):

More information about these opportunities in Australia and TRI’s activities and services around the world are available at

For more information, contact Chris Perez at TRI Geosynthetics Services, +1 512 263 2101,