Waterproof Membranes 2011AMI is pleased to invite you to consider speaking at or attending the 5th international conference on Waterproof Membranes to be held from 15-17 November 2011 at the Maritim Hotel in Cologne, Germany. There is a welcome reception and registration on the first evening followed by a 2-day programme of speakers from the waterproofing industry and its suppliers.

The construction and civil engineering industry is responding to green building needs and sustainability targets. Extra demands are being placed on waterproofing as functions are added to the membrane, such as warming and cooling, energy generation (wind and solar), chemical resistance in landfill, and horticultural resources on roofs and also facades. Waterproof Membranes 2011 offers a place to network for researchers, architects, installers, manufacturers and suppliers, to discuss industry trends and new developments, and the best membranes for each application.

There is more information on the web site at:

Call for Papers

Papers are invited on all aspects of waterproofing in roofing and geombrane applications, including:

  • new applications and market development worldwide
  • design and selection of waterproofing for different situations, including case studies by architects, construction and engineering companies
  • materials and membrane structures, and manufacturing machinery
  • installation technology, adhesion, sealing and joints
  • performance and properties such as weathering, lifetime prediction, windlift and chemical resistance
  • environmental aspects such as renewable energy integration, cooling, reflectance, recycling
  • materials, reinforcement, colours and additives

Speakers attend the conference free of charge and have a 30-minute slot including 5 minutes for questions. Papers are required in PowerPoint format 8 weeks prior to the conference. If you would like to speak, please note that the deadline for sending a short summary to me is 16 May 2011.

Attending, Exhibiting or Sponsoring

Please contact Clara Fontana for details of early bird registration rates, booking a tabletop exhibition space or sponsoring this conference. Email: cf@amiplastics.com. Tel: +44 117 924 9442.

I look forward to receiving paper offers before the deadline of 16 May.

Dr. Sally Humphreys is the Business Development Manager for Applied Market Information Ltd (www.amiplastics.com). She can be reached at +44 117 924 9442, sh@amiplastics.com.