ASTM International Committee D35ASTM International’s Committee D35 on Geosynthetics has announced two geomembrane-related revisions. First, the Committee has revised standard D7466, “Standard Test Method for Measuring the Asperity Height of Textured Geomembrane,” to D7466-10. The asperity height is an index property used to quantify one of the physical attributes related to the surface roughness of textured geomembranes.

Also, standard D5994, “Standard Test Method for Measuring Core Thickness of Textured Geomembrane,” has been revised to D5994-10. Thickness is one of the basic index properties used to control and track the quality of many geomembranes. Additionally, many mechanical properties (for example, tensile yield strength, puncture strength, etc.) can be related to core thickness. Core thickness values may also be required in calculation of some parameters such as diffusion coefficients or tensile stresses.

ASTM Committee D35 on Geosynthetics was formed in 1984. D35 meets twice each year, in January and June, with about 60 members participating in 45 meetings over three days. The Committee, with a membership of approximately 275 members, currently has jurisdiction of over 115 approved standards that are published in the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Volume 4.13.

For more information, visit D35’s home page.