15 September 2010 – After three successful years at the helm, NAUE America Inc.’s President Carsten Lesny has announced his intention to leave the company and return to Germany, where he will continue to work in the geotechnics field. We would like to thank Carsten for all his hard work and effort over the last three years. Everyone at NAUE would like to wish him and his family every success upon their return.

NAUE America will continue to grow based upon the strong path Carsten has carved out for the company and all of the hard work NAUE America’s staff provides. Our business continues to expand as customer familiarity and confidence grow with each new project, and the demand for Secugrid® and Combigrid® geogrids in the USA has steadily increased. Strong field performance has highlighted the unique properties of NAUE geogrids, such as their excellent stress/strain properties and high resistance to installation damage.

For future enquiries, please contact Tracy Tanner, Sales Director, (+1 404 504 6295, ttanner@naue.com). Tracy and the rest of the NAUE America team will continue to have the full support of the parent company NAUE GmbH & Co KG to ensure that Secugrid® and Combigrid® continue to be a major force in earth stabilization applications in the USA.

For further information on Naue America and our geogrid product range please go to www.naue.com or www.secugrid.com or contact us at askus@naue.com.


Tracy Tanner
NAUE America Inc.
Tel.: +1 404 504-6295
Fax.: +1 404 233 4883
Email: ttanner@naue.com