Fabricated Geomembrane Institute22 September 2010 – The Fabricated Geomembrane Institute (FGI) is pleased to offer “Constructing with Fabricated Geomembranes — Flexibility and Superior Performance,” its popular short course, on October 15, 2010 in Denver, Colorado. The course organizers have added a presentation on the geomembranes used in the Gulf oil spill clean up. Dr. Timothy Stark will present on the geomembrane technology that was used to assist experts in the Gulf during the clean up and contaminant containment.

This course is ideal for those involved with the design, construction, operation and closure of landfills, lagoons, secondary containment, ponds, decorative applications, and corrective action activities at closed sites are encouraged to attend this course. Participants will gain a broad knowledge of what is required to properly design, specify and construct fabricated geomembranes.

This course will be taught by a variety of the industry professionals from academia, construction, engineering, fabrication, equipment manufacturers and third party testing personnel. Dr. Timothy D. Stark of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign will serve as moderator and lecturer. This course will offer participants a selection of people to draw knowledge and experience from that participants can use in their projects. Timothy D. Stark is a Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign with an expertise in Geotechnical Engineering and has been teaching, researching, and consulting on geosynthetics, stability of manmade slopes, and design of waste containment facilities for over 15 years.

For those who register by 1 October 2010 the fee is only $99. After 1 October 2010 the registration fee is $199. The registration fee includes one day of instruction, short course notes, refreshments and lunch. Participants also will receive the continuing education credits. Special reduced rates are available for government employees and students. Registration information, speaker information and maps are available at http://fgidenver.eventbrite.com. Also, seven (7.0) professional development hours (PDHs) are available for this course.

FGI and its membership, dedicated to advancing the use of PVC geomembranes, aids engineers in specifying PVC for environmental applications. For additional information about this course, visit www.fabricatedgeomembranes.com or contact Tim Stark at FGI at +1 217 333 3929 or fabricatedgeomembrane@illinois.edu.