Raven Geomembranes16 September 2010 – Raven, an expert manufacturer of geomembranes, announces the release of their new geomembrane website: www.RavenGeo.com. The new site includes a significant expansion in geomembrane application, product data, and affiliated information.

Raven’s site includes product resources right at your fingertips, along with featured menu items, such as Liner and Sandbag Calculators, to easily determine approximate material sizes and quantities for your projects. Other features include a testimonial section where you are invited to post your experience with Raven geomembranes, as well as the most frequently asked questions. Here again, you are invited to send in your questions.

Raven will be adding to and expanding the site’s brand new learning center in the near future. It offers further resources for site users, including a “Technical Library” section and a “Test Procedures” section, which describes the terminology and critical testing that play a critical role in the geomembrane manufacturing process. Other resources include white papers, videos, resource links and more.

Check out the new site today and experience the useful tools and product resources available 24/7 online!

Raven is committed to continuously reviewing and improving their website to be a useful interactive experience for their users and they invite you to browse through and contact them with any feedback or questions. Visit www.ravengeo.com.


Cheryl Butler
Marketing Materials Manager
Engineered Films Division
+1 605 335 0174
Fax +1 605 331-0333