QDORThe July 2010 issue of CE News has been released, and in addition to interesting articles on an engineer’s perspective of design-build, an exclusive on the EPA’s strengthening of NPDES, and an “Olympic-sized” upgrade to one community’s wastewater system, the Progressive Engineering section features an article from Laurie Honnigford of the Erosion Control Technology Council (ECTC).

Honnigford’s article, "Opening the QDOR," outlines the Quality Data Oversight and Review (QDOR™) program from ECTC–a program which takes a scientific view on selecting the best erosion control materials.

QDOR™, launched in 2009, has been developed by ECTC to assist end users of erosion control products in specifiying and using the proper type of erosion/sediment control product on their job sites. Three times per year manufacturers may apply to have their products reviewed for placement on the peer-reviewed QDOR™ list.

Read “Opening the QDOR” online at CE News.

See also:

QDOR website: www.qdor.org
ECTC webstie: www.ectc.org

Chris Kelsey is Geosynthetica’s Editorial Director. He can be reached at chris@geosynthetica.net.