IECA Webinar25 March 2010 – How will you meet Effluent Limitations Guidelines (ELGs) on your construction site?

On 23 November 2009 the United States Environmental Protection Agency issued a final rule to more diligently manage construction site runoff. As many construction professionals are already aware the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit has been actively in affect regulating construction sites since the late 1980s; however, this new rule will intensify these federally mandated requirements. This new rule requires construction site owners and operators to implement a range of erosion and sediment control measures and pollution prevention practices to control pollutants in discharges from construction sites. In addition, the rule will require certain owners and operators to sample these stormwater discharges and comply with a numeric standard for the pollutant turbidity in these discharges.

How is this going to affect your construction sites? Are you ready for deployment of this program within your company, have you projected any costs in your new project bids to cover this new rule and requirement?

Attend this webinar–ELG’s and the Construction Industry: What does this new rule mean to my project?— to gain a comprehensive understanding of how this new rule will affect your construction sites, and begin planning to implement the practices that will most directly benefit your bottom line. New rules can often be cumbersome, but ignoring them will not yield more money to your bottom line. Become smarter, gain knowledge, and make a plan for implementation of appropriate practices before your competition does!

Instructor: Jennifer Hildebrand

WHEN: Friday, 26 March 2010, 11:00 am – 12:00 pm (Mountain Time)

PDH: 1

What you’ll gain: A comprehensive understanding of how this new rule will affect your construction sites The knowledge you need to make a plan for the implementation of appropriate practices

Fee: $50.00 for members, $65.00 for non-members



Holly Nicholson, IECA Education Coordinator
Phone: +1 303 640 7554
Fax: +1 866 308 3087